Thursday, September 3, 2009

Free Cosmetic Laser Surgery

Free Laser Cosmetic Surgery, Is it possible? Absolutely, but may be a little harder to find but if you’re really wanting to have certain procedures done and you cannot afford to have them done then you will be resourceful and follow some of these tips to finding a doctor willing to do the surgery for no cost.

There are many types of laser surgery including but not limited to eyelifts, lip implants, liposuction, rhinoplasty, neck and face rejuvenation and skin tightening.

Now onto the important stuff, how you can possibly get free laser surgery. When a new practice gets a new laser many times they want to try it out and find their technique when it comes to this new machine. Does this mean a botched job? Not exactly, but you must still do your homework and find out if the doctor you are choosing is reputable.

You will also notice that many new offices that open up will offer you procedures at a drastically reduced cost or even free. They are looking for new customers and are willing to promote their services to pull people into their practice. When someone has work done they turn out to be a walking billboard for the practice and word of mouth is often the best form of advertising.

1. Search for newly opened cosmetic surgery treatment centers in your area and ask about discounts or special offers.
2. When a doctor advertises about a new laser treatment center contact them and find out if they are offering any specials or discounts.

Remember for every place that says no, there is always going to be one place willing to say yes. It’s going to depend on your motivation and desire to have work performed highly discounted or even free.

Remember most doctors offer a free consultation and at this point you can find out how much work you can have done free or highly discounted.


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